Shipping and Delivery
We understand that when you place an order, you want your goods as soon as possible and we will do our best to make it happen! Most of the items we sell will be shipped quickly and delivered to your door. However, some products may incur shipping charges. Shipping charges are not fixed and depend on various factors such as nature/category of your product, location from which shipped, total weight of the product etc.
The shipping charges on your order will be notified before you place your order.
We are committed to delivering your order accurately, in good condition and always on time, as promised on the website or mobile. Some more points related to shipping are given below:-
- Each order will be shipped only to a single destination address specified at the time of payment for that order. If you want to ship products to different addresses, you will need to place multiple orders.
- We try our best to ensure that each item in your order is delivered within 2-5 working days of the order date. However, in some cases, orders may take up to 7 or more working days to be delivered if there is heavy demand.
- Orders are processed on all working days including Saturdays except Sundays and major holidays. All orders received on Sunday will be processed from next Monday.
- To ensure that your order reaches you in the fastest time and in good condition, we will ship only through reputable courier agencies.
- Although we strive to ship all items in your order together, this may not always be possible due to product specifications or availability.
- Please note that all items will be shipped with seller’s invoice. If inadvertently, the same is not received, you can log in to the submitted ticket, or write an e-mail to mentioning your order reference number.
- Orders may take up to 1 business day to process, pick, and pack before shipping. Please allow 3 to 5 business days for your order to arrive.
- Please note that due to the high volume of orders placed during the sale, it may take a little longer to be processed in our warehouse. We will try our best to deliver your goodies to you as soon as possible.
- A shipping confirmation with your tracking ID will be sent to you once the product is shipped. You can use that tracking ID to track your order by visiting our website and clicking on “Track Your Order”. This will tell you the estimated delivery time of the order you have placed.
- The payment options available are cash on delivery and prepaid service. Please note that we do not accept COD services for all pin codes. Therefore, we have created the option of prepaid services for them.
- If an item arrives visibly damaged, please contact our customer service immediately. You can also email with your order ID and product images. Replacement will be made immediately.