Health Benefits

Yes, It’s True !!


Really Does Help You In Prevention & Eradication of Numerous Diseases.


Prevent Diabetes, Cholesterol & Cardiac Issues?

Research shows that visceral fat is an important factor in how our hormones work. It’s also linked to insulin resistance, when cells in your muscles, fat, and liver don’t respond well to insulin.

Having Too Much Visceral Fat May Increase The Risk Of Heart Disease, Diabetes, And Stroke.

Although a person looks thin on the outside, they may have fat on the inside that nobody can see that puts them at risk of type 2 diabetes. How is this possible?

There are two kinds of fat:

  • Fat stored under the skin. This is fat that we may be able to feel on the outside, like on our arms and legs.
  • Fat stored in our stomach and surrounds important internal organs. We can’t see this hidden, or “visceral” fat from the outside.



Fat Stored Deep Inside The Belly, Wrapped Around The Organs, Including The Liver And Intestines A.K.A Visceral Fat Is The Root Cause Of Diseases Like Diabetes, Cholesterol, Blood Pressure, Other Cardiac Issues And Kidney & Liver Problems


How ICPURE is able to immulsify oil? ICPURE chiknai
ko kese faaad raha hai?


They exhibit properties different from those of the material before division at low temperatures.


A pH scale is used to determine whether a substance is acidic or alkaline.


Elevated rates of oxidants and insufficient antioxidants in the body cause oxidative stress.


In Just 5 Minutes, Understand How ICPURE Can
Help You Prevent Numerous Diseases

Experience Never Lie !

Have A Look! How It Feels To Be ICPURE User

It’s Been 5 Days We Have Installed ICPURE

My family has been suffering from gastritis since a long time. It’s been 4 days that we have been drinking ICPURE Water and our acidity & gastritis is almost gone. We are also using the other types of water which this machine gives and the results are phenominal. I highly recommend ICPURE over any other company as this is Make in India product.


Although a person looks thin on the outside, they may have fat on the inside that nobody can see that puts them at risk of type 2 diabetes. How is this possible?

What is Life of this Machine?

The average lifespan of an alkaline water ionizer by ICPURE is 45-50 years.

Note: You need to keep it’s filters & servicing in check

How can we trust ICPURE?

ICPURE Machines are developed in technical collaboration with CSIR-IICT, Ministry of Science & Technology, Govt of India and over 5,00,000+ people are drinking ICPURE Water everyday.

After purchase what will happen if I drink normal water?

When you start drinking ICPURE water, you’ll start feeling a lot of changed in your health. Anyhow if you may drink normal water too.

What all other diseases can be cured with ICPURE?

Water is the fundamental of human existence, since our body also consists of 70%-80% water. Just by choosing right water you can get benefit in almost any kind of diseases.

I heard it has mutiple types of water, how does that work

Yes, ICPURE alkaline ionizer gives you 5 different pH levels of water having their individual usage in our daily life ranging from pH 5.5 to pH 10.5, for more information register.

How frequent do we need to do servicing?


ICPURE Machines have two modules, filteration and ionization. The filters needs to be changed once annually, whereas the titanium & platinum plates in the ionization module do not require any kind of servicing at all.